Introduction to monday.com Automations:
Automations and integrations within monday.com are completely no-code and free! You can build complete end-to-end workflows based on actions and triggers which helps save a ton of time and eliminate human error.
monday.com Automation: Also Asked Questions:
Does Monday.com Have Automation?
Absolutely! Monday.com has a powerful automation engine that empowers users to automate a plethora of tasks, from simple to complex. monday.com Automation alone can give you back 10%-30% of your week based on Forrester report, allowing you to reduce manual efforts, minimise errors, and maximise efficiency across various business processes that were traditionally manual.
Examples of what monday.com can help you automate?
Can Monday.com Send Automated Emails?
Where Is the Automation Center on Monday.com?
How to Automate in monday.com:
Important note: The key to mastering Automation and integrations in monday.com is to think about the outcome you are trying to achieve and the steps involved.
Step 1: How does Automation work exactly?

Each automation consists of a trigger, a condition, and an action. So when this happens and it meets a certain condition, then action will take place. This is often referred to as a recipe, rule or policy. These rules can be as long and short as you like, you can also layer your automation to create an entire workflow automation.
How to create an automation in monday.com:
There are two methods you can use create automation within monday.com
Method 1: Custom Recipe
This options gives you the most flexibility and is usually suitable for build multi-step automation workflows. A great example of this is where when a status changes to "handover" we then want to create

Method 2: Pre-made automations
This a really quick and easy way to get started with automations by using the existing pre-made examples build by monday.com:
A few examples include:
Changing status based on a trigger
Recurring tasks (e.g. Daily, weekly monthly on a certain day/date)
Reminders and task automation based on due dates
Moving tasks between groups and boards (e.g. New, in progress, done)

Now, Let's Automate and Integrate together [Follow steps to set up your monday.com Automations]
Access Automations: Log in to your Monday.com account and open the relevant board where you want to set up automations. Click on the "Automations" or "Integrations" button located at the top right corner of your monday.com board.
Choose a Trigger: Automations are triggered by specific events or conditions. Choose a trigger that will initiate the automation. Some examples of triggers are when an item is created, status changes, a date is reached, etc.
Select an Action: Once you've chosen a trigger, you'll need to specify the action you want to occur when the trigger event happens. This action can be anything from sending notifications, updating fields, moving items to different groups or boards, creating new items, and more.
Configure Automation Settings: Depending on the trigger and action you've selected, you'll need to configure specific settings. For instance, if you're triggering an action when a status changes, you might need to choose the specific status that triggers the action.
Set Conditions (if needed): Some automations allow you to set conditions that determine whether the action should be performed. For example, you might want an action to occur only if certain fields meet specific criteria.
Test and Activate: Before activating the automation, it's a good idea to test it. This will help you ensure that the automation is working as expected and won't cause any unexpected issues. Once you're confident in the automation's setup, you can activate it.
Monitor and Adjust: After activating the automation, keep an eye on how it functions. If you notice any issues or if the workflow changes, you might need to adjust the automation settings accordingly.
Explore Built-in Automations: Monday.com often provides pre-built automation templates for common use cases. These templates can save you time and effort in setting up complex automations. Browse through the template library to see if any fit your needs.
Custom Automations: If you have specific and unique workflows, you can create custom automations by combining triggers and actions in creative ways.
Learn and Improve: As you use automations, you'll gain a better understanding of how they can enhance your workflow. Don't hesitate to experiment with different triggers and actions to find the most efficient setups for your team's processes.
Ready to go deeper? Check out this comprehensive Automation set-up guide by Lisa Ceccato, Sr. Knowledge Manager
Still need more help or just want to get it right the first time? Fruition Services is your dedicated and certified monday.com Partner. Get in touch and we'd be happy to help

Fruition is a certified monday.com partner. Our team of expert monday.com consultants help transform businesses with expertise in business process design and automation with complete software delivery and integration services. We support clients across all industries and departments to scale and optimise inefficient business processes.
We pride ourselves on delivering world-class solutions that are scalable and cost-effective solution delivery to ensure faster time to value and return on your software investment.
How we can help:
Project Management: Large and small-scale PMO framework consulting and implementation, we have expertise in transforming internal and client project management, delivery & scheduling
Sales & CRM: Every CRM is unique, we focus on understanding your lead, quote to cash, opportunity pipeline management and integration with core systems like VoIP Telephony and Marketing tools like Hubspot Marketing, Hootesuite and many others.
Marketing: We help build a structured Marketing framework to connect your Marketing strategy and execution of campaigns to deliver measurable and reportable ROI.
Creative & Design: We help transform creative process workflows from Briefing in, traffic managing jobs, scheduling workloads, approvals and even managing your external agency collaboration.
Software Development & Product Management: We support all stages and methods of Product & software development use cases within monday.com including Ideation prioritisation, NPD, Agile project delivery, supply chain and collaborating with Marketing on GTM strategies and operations for inventory Control:
Finance Teams: Elevate financial management with our tools: Budget Planning, Expense Management, Reporting, Invoicing, Cash Flow, Compliance, Supplier Management, Forecasting, Integration, and collaboration.
HR & Recruitment: Create structure in your HR team by creating processes and workflows for onboarding and recruitment, HR Requests and email management.
Customer Service & Call Centre: monday.com allows you to manage your entire customer service workflow including Ticketing and telephone integration with tools such as Aircall, Talkdesk and Twilio
IT Operations: Do more with less such as Helpdesk ticketing, Incident management, IT Project management, Vendor/Contract Management and integrations with Jira and Azure DevOps